Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Baby Bonanza

Okay, I have scoop. It is Baby Bonanza around me lately!! There are several girls at church who are pregnant. My cousin just had her first baby (of course, a girl!) last week. My good friend in Iowa is miserable and ready to have her second baby boy playing on the outside. My sister-in-law is pregnant and due the end of August. And now...the scoop...prepare yourself....Iowa, sit down.

My sister is pregnant!! Again!!! This will be PLANNED number 4!! No wonder my parents moved closer to her! I have been shaking my head and laughing since my mom told me.

Too funny.

She must be nuts!!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Like I said on the phone...I can NOT imagine what she was thinking!!

Just a week and two days to go...unless he decides he wants to make an early appearance...hope not or I will have one hot MIL!!