Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Glee"fully Watching Baseball

I am very into baseball. It is one of my favorite sports to watch, both live and on tv. I am a Cardinals fan through and through, and am willing to miss almost anything else to see a game.

As a baseball fan, the World Series is a big deal. Even if you team isn't playing (which happens quite a bit), it is an exciting part of the sport and usually one of my fall highlights. HOWEVER, this year TWO of the World Series games have fallen on Wednesdays. Usually that would be a big deal, but there is more to me that just baseball!

I am also a musically oriented person. I love to sing along to the radio, play piano, blast my iPod far louder than appropriate at work, etc. I did show choir in junior high, but chose to perform with my church's large musical productions (I mean LARGE!!!) rather than do high school show choir (which also conflicted with fall tennis). My favorite sing-along in my car is a tape of my sister's senior year of choir. I am pretty sure I went to EVERY performance they had because my parents were chaperones. I even remember some of the choreography, which is impressive if you consider that I was in 4th grade when the tape was made. I tend to believe that I was born musical, but I attribute at least part of my insane love of the Fox show "Glee" to my sister's year's of show choir.

If you aren't familiar with it (and haven't seen all the commercials), "Glee" is a show about a high school glee club. In the pilot episode last spring, the group sang one of the songs on my sister's tape. I was hooked immediately! The group of kids in glee club are eclectic to say the least. They are from all social circles, but share a love for music. Some are there for the passion, some for the glory. Some for the friendships, some for devious reasons, and some because they just don't really fit anywhere else. The music is fabulous, and the plot lines are so true to life. I know that I did not have a normal high school experience, for a variety of reasons. But I can see myself in nearly every character in Glee, which is the other reason why I like the show. It is very REAL for me, exposing many of the struggles I felt in high school. But it is still light enough to be funny and enjoyable to watch. Clearly, I like the show a lot.

So here is the problem. These two pesky Wednesday World Series games have prevented me from watching Glee!! What would usually be exciting tv for me has become 9 innings of "nothing else to watch." I am sure that if the Cardinals were playing I would be willing to miss Glee to watch the games, but the Phillies and the Yankees? Especially with the Yankees winnings? Ugh! BRING BACK THE MUSIC!!!!! I NEED MY GLEE!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Amazingly enough, I am going to attempt TWO blog posts in one day!

I am finding myself falling farther and farther behind on my household chores (which is driving me CRAZY), but loving the additional time I am "finding" with my family. I think it is good to let the mundane things of life sit on the back burner occasionally, so you can focus on what is really a seeing good friends at dinner tonight, or hearing from another friend that her three-year-old ended her bedtime prayer with "amen, dude!" These are the moments I'll never get back. Clean clothes can wait! :)


In the age of technology at my fingertips, it amazes me that I haven't had time to update my blog since taking my new job. So, before my day begins, you are getting a brief update.

I am INCREDIBLY busy with my position...long and frustrating hours, little to no respect or appreciation for the work I do, and a lurking feeling that my position will be be cut soon for budgetary reasons. Wonderful.

My little one will be heading to kindergarten next fall - far too grown up for her Mama to handle. She is adorable and challenging all at once. So many of the things she does to irritate me are straight from my childhood though, so there is only so much I can blame her for - the rest is genetic!

J is busy with the shop (not that the shop is busy, mind you) and helping to run the Upwards sports ministry with our church. He loves being more involved at church, and I love seeing him find a niche and enjoy the work.

On a personal note, our Sunday School lessons have been very personal lately...challenging my faith to the core. Especially the lessons from Mark. So in Mark 11, Christ was on his way back to the city and was hungry. He passed a fig tree (not in season) with no fruit on it. Christ cursed the tree and it immediately withered. Interesting correlation...there was NO fruit on the tree, not even some that was un-ripened. If we take that concept and apply it to our Christian walk, Christ should see fruit on our tree, even if it isn't ripened. That means, if Christ were to pass me today, He should see the lives I am touching and trying to share the Gospel with. I may not have any ripened fruit to show, but I should have plenty ready for Him to take and ripen...Humbling to say the least. I am afraid that my life has become like that fig tree - nothing but leaves. God didn't call me to have just leaves - He has commanded me to produce fruit. I need to get busy on more important tasks. Tasks with eternal significance.

Otherwise, despite the long break, there really isn't too much that is interesting to share. Perhaps this time I will be able to develop a habit of posting! Much love to Iowa...the only person on earth who might read this!