Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Official

Well, It is official. My baby is a big girl. An offical pre-schooler. She started on Monday and absolutely loves it. She gets to play on the big playground equipment now and has REAL lessons during the day, which she LOVES!! Is has been rough for me to adjust to though. She now needs to be at school by 8, because that is when school starts, and she has more big-girl conversations than I have been prepared for, "You are doing that, Mommy, because that is your job. I take care of this becuase it is MY job. Do you want me to help you with your job? I can help when it isn't my turn, if you ask me to..." What happened to my baby?!!?!?

Oh, and Iowa...Please know that it is a GRAVE insult to confuse anything from Mushigan with anything in Ohio! Go Bucks! :)

1 comment:

Chelle said...

I know...I am extraordinarily sorry for my mistake.

My baby started going to the 3&4 year old class for Sunday School...the teacher said he probably could have come a few months ago. Time flies.