Thursday, May 3, 2007

A New Adventure

Today's Scoop...we started gymnastics.

It is a right of passage for many toddlers I think, and we began our journey into gymnastics tonight at 7:45. My daughter, a "big two" had a BLAST!! When we entered, everyone asked if she was 2, trying to see if she was in the wrong class because she is so big for her age. I said no, she is just 2. Then they asked me if she was about to turn three, and I got lots of surprised looks as I told them she wouldn't be three until November! At least it is because she is so tall, and already potty trained, not because of anything else!!

The teacher warned me that it would be a bigger workout for me than for my daughter, sine it is a Mommy-and-Me class, and she was right. It was a lot of fun though. The kids enter a special room for stretching and warm-ups, and then go into the "big gym" in a special fenced off area to do more activities It is basically a free-for-all on the toddler-sized equipment, with the teacher helping the kids try different things at different spots. My munchkin did sommersaults, jumped on the various trampolines, and had a great time walking across all the balance beams. It was a lot of fun for both of us, and certianly worth the money. She is excited to go back (as am I), and it will be a long week of her asking every ten minutes if "I go to mnjastics 'morrow, Mama?" It is cute though!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

As the mother of a boy who is always mistaken for 4 if not almost 5 even though he won't be 3 until the end of this month...I feel with you. I am also glad it is becasue he is so tall and nothing else!!