Sunday, July 8, 2007

Well that was brilliant...

So we had a frustrating "date night" of driving around looking at houses the other day (see my previous post), and when we got home, I spent most of the evening looking up houses on-line both to see how amazingly expensive the ones we saw were, and to find any that might be affordable and still have most of the amenitities I desire in a new house. Then, Saturday morning, I had a realization of sorts. Why are we looking to move? The big reason: to be closer to our jobs and have less of a gas-sucking commute for both of us. So, to find a house that has any of what we want (not all of what we want - that is WAY out of price range in the area we are looking), we are looking at double our current house payment - at least. So if the main reason we are moving is to not pay an arm and a leg for gas, why move and pay even more than that on a house payment? DUH!!! Why not just get a more fuel-efficient car?!? So, we are now looking at getting me a little Honda Hybrid (much to Jeremy's GM loyalty dismay) so that I can get 40-50 miles per gallon, and we don't have to move right away. Simple solution, and much more affordable!! Sometimes it amazes me that I work with the gifted! :)

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