Monday, February 5, 2007

And So It Begins...

I was reading the blogs of two of my good friends, which I check daily so that I know what is going on with them, and then I realized, "I could do that too." Duh, I know, but it was like an epiphany (love that word, hope I spelled it right!!) and I thought I should try it.

Of course, the first hurdle was coming up with a title. I had to think about what I say all the time, and that made me think of my good friend, The Linkster, who was the Language Arts teacher on my first team. This was her mantra, and how she greeted all of her friends in the hallway. So...Got any scoop?

Not really, unfortunatly! What a great way to start a blog - with nothing to say!

I did have the day off today, which was wonderful. Not a snow day, which is the usual cause this time of year. Instead, we are off because it is VERY cold outside - highs in the single digits and windchills at 25 below!!!! Because it is going to be just a cold tomorrow, we are off then too - I LOVE IT!!!!!! Of course, if I was still teaching at my old school, where I was last year, I would be irritated and pouting - they had school today and still are not listed as even delayed for tomorrow!

Not too much else to share, but at least this has started, so if something interesting happens, I have a place to share it!


Chelle said...

Welcome to the blogger club! We are just as cold here but we were at school...what can you expect from a super who came from Colorado? To him it was probably a warm breeze yesterday!

Beth said...

I wasn't expecting off either day, but I'll take it! We haven't missed at all and we have 5 built-in snow days!!